Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Singapore Airlines Cabin Crew Interview with Inter-Excel

Inter-Excel was honored and proud to host the Cabin Crew Recruitment Interview for Singapore Airlines (SIA) in our Penang office, on the19th & 20th of Aug 2016. 

 This is the fourth time in 2016 the Singapore Airline has come to our center to select potential cabin crew candidates from our pool of qualified students. Since the start of 2016, Inter-Excel has successfully secured more than 50 students that are now flying high with Singapore Airlines.

Congratulations to all our students who are currently living their dream with Singapore Airlines! 


Our successful student Vanessa posing with Mr.Hilary

  Waiting for management round

  All hyped up for the management round

Some of our finalists
Well done

Our successful students Neitiya & Gin Gee with our director.

Congratulations to Geetha on successfully passing the Singapore Airlines Interview today

 Well done Jia Chyi !

 En.Roslan and Mr.Hilary posing with our future SIA girl Sheetal Kaur

Our two successful candidates Roy and Jia Chyi posing with Mr.Hilary , Mr.Roslan & Singapore Airlines panels

After went through all this, what are you waiting for?! Come to join us ,you could be the next !

Please connect us by: 03322742800/0322734800/0322735800

We are looking forward to you come !

好消息!! 迄今为止已有50 名学生被新加坡航空公司录取!

Inter-Excel 空乘学员在强大师资的教育下,不负众望地冲刺到最后阶段,截止到现在已有50多名本中心的学员成功被新航录取。让我们恭喜这些被录取的学员为我们树立了良好的形象及标杆,他们的成功也激励着下一届学员更加地积极向上,全力以赴奔向自己的理想目标!
Congrats! Roy Nair..with our proud Director Mr Hilary Miranda

Sze sze sharing her proud moment with Mr Hilary

Congrats Zoe!well done..

Yet another great achievement by Inter Excel



