Monday, 19 September 2016


还在为找不到合适的工作担心吗?还在为找不到好的空乘面试机会而发愁吗?还在因为自己英语水平不够而惆怅吗?还在为自己有着空乘梦而举步为艰吗?还在为……乘风破浪,只为有朝一日能为实现自己的理想与抱负!而Inter-Excel 秉承着这一原则宗旨,为学员铺桥搭路,助其披荆斩棘奔往理想的彼岸!在这月圆人团圆的日子,我们又将再一次踏上赴美里的招生旅程……

Once again , it's the season of the year to spot the potential cabin crew form Miri!

Do you have a dream to work while traveling around the world as a world class flight attendant?Are you worried about your suitability for the job?Concerned about your proficiency in the English language? Well,then,you have arrived at the perfect solution to your questions!Inter-Excel Advisory is the ideal platform for you. For 25 years, we have been bridging the way for countless students and successfully paved the way to fulfilling their dreams as flight attendants with many international airlines.Needless to say,we offer potential students a passport to their flying careers!Don't waste this golden opportunity to be a part of our international family of cabin crew as we launch our talent search in Miri! Be a high flyer and earn four times a graduates' salary!


DATE: 12th-14th October 2016

联系方式:018-226 6100 (Sharon)/018-354 5550(Yok Lin)

CONTACT : 018-226 6100 (Sharon)/018-354 5550 (Yok Lin)

 Successful students of our previous intake



With the various choices of careers laid before your future, there is no doubt that you are spoiled for choice and are clueless as to where the road ahead will take you. That is definitely the norm of high school student. Do not be discouraged. Instead,learn more. Learn more about this chance that should not be missed,because this knowledge is guaranteed to benefit your future.

欲知更多详情可致电:03-2274 2800
 Office Number :             03-2273 4800
                                        03-2273 5800
                                        018-226 6100
                                        018-354 5550


We look forward to meeting you there! 

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